Letters of Note: Music cover

From the book Letters of Note: Music, compiled by Shaun Usher. ‘Get at the very heart of it’, a letter from Ludwig Van Beethoven to Emilie H. Introduced by Shaun Usher.

Letter read by Simon Callow.

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Jo Marchant and Helen Czerski take us on a journey through humanity’s relationship with the heavens, in this brilliant Intelligence Squared discussion of Jo’s new book The Human Cosmos.

What is the best way to live? Matt Haig introduces his new novel The Midnight Library. Discover Nora Seed’s world today

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If you were ill and I couldn’t be with you, don’t worry, I would FaceTime, Zoom, Skype, phone, write letters, send videos and anything else I could think of to tell you how much I love you, and what an amazing mum you have been to me.

Janie Brown is the author of Radical Acts of Love – a moving account of her conversations with the dying during her thirty years as an oncology nurse. She has joined the Letters Live campaign #ReadALetter, reading a letter she’s written to her mum.

‘Would you say there’s any end in sight, Charlie?’ Two fading Irish gangsters are waiting on the boat from Tangier. A lover has been lost, a daughter has gone missing… The Booker-longlisted Night Boat to Tangier by Kevin Barry is out now in paperback.